Posted by: nativeiowan | October 28, 2015

Mike’s Bikes… do’n a tropical dance on the deck…

About 5pm. Wednesday afternoon. Guess I have been here a solid 2 weeks. It has been good.

Honiara is a funkadelic place. Soooo mucchhhh of the yinggggg, n sooooo muchhhh of the yanggggg…

My neighbours are burning trash. the air is poisoned by plastics being converted by heat into deadly gasses. Of course, the parts per million are not enough to kill but my sensitive smellfactory senses don’t care for it at all. Met up with the prerequisite passive-aggressive drunk while buying some lava lavas at the market. I walked up and he inserted himself in the situation. I dealt with the lady doing the selling, all smiles and was polite to the drunk and lost my hearing when he started getting too involved.

I had a bit of a crazy white-dude come up and try to remember who I was. I musta met him years ago, maybe at the yacht club. He looked rather run down when I saw him. I was deaf to him as well.

I got one of those amazingly poetic and fun “island stories” from a guy who worked for me years ago. I always liked, Jerry. He was a good, solid man. Dependable and humble and intelligent. He quit working to go home and care for his parents as they aged. I learned that Mommy and died but Daddy hem olo too much, but strong lil’bit. I got a long, long story about his business… He has a “Hilux” he runs on the road to Auki. Buta truck hem go long mechanic. And staka repairs. Cost bloo hem ten thousand dollars…

Here we go, I think. When I saw Jerry I thought, I’ll give him some cash and tell him to say hello to his family for me. So I was in for something, but 10k… eeeeeee….

So, me garem nine thousand dollar nomoa. Me look outem, look outem, buta…

This is when I smile with relief, I have cash on me, I hand Jerry the grand he needs. Get a great smile in return.

Note well though, the good story was indeed worth a grand in solo-bucks.

Rain has come. The sky is clear. Could see San George Island this morn.

My shoulder is coming back very nicely. Paul’s wharf looks great. I’m cooking bbq chicken for supper n it smells tasty.

Bonnie Raitt says that she’s working on a love letter, with her radio on…

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