Posted by: nativeiowan | October 26, 2015

Mike’s Bikes… Ending a long weekend

Tuesday on this side of the Planet.

Yesterday was day 4 of the therapy. Ruatau is packing to catch his plane. Peter will hang with me a while longer and continue working on my shoulder. I am shattered.

For some reason Peter and I sat up and drank, and told stories until 3am. We told old, fun and laughable tales, in pidgin. It was a fun magical session. I feel like death warmed over.

I crawled out of bed at 9am, Peter had Ruatau on the table and was giving him goodbye beating.

It has been an amazing 5 days. mobility in my chassis is much, much better. I am standing taller, straighter and I am stronger.

And life is good, even if I do feel sick.

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