Posted by: nativeiowan | April 13, 2024

2024 v4. wood is good, war a bore

Sunday morn on this side of the planet. I wake to hear the sabres rattling… I hear that Iran has sent war-heads towards Israel.

The word is this: “…drones and missiles launched from Iran are heading toward Israel…”.

Not good, me thinks.

Not good for a number of reasons…

  1. Israel has nukes. This is what I get when I do a quick check: Israel is also generally understood to have nuclear weapons, but does not acknowledge it, maintaining a policy of deliberate ambiguity. Israel is estimated to possess somewhere between 75 and 400 nuclear warheads. (Wikipedia)
  2. Does Iran have nukes, yet?
  3. Is this the beginning of “the big-one”? (A big-one)

Not good, me thinks.

I am still perplexed by the very quick and vehement victimisation of “Palestine”. The numerous, emotional rallies and protests, complete with chants of death and burning and gratuitous destruction. People in the streets calling for the freedom of Palestine. Death to the Jews, Death to the USA…

In my world Violence Begets Violence… Not good me thinks…

Like in the old days when someone in my family got racially slurred, I always told my tribe that the folks making the slurs were ignorant, uneducated, inexperienced, AND WRONG. Standing up against them was not required because by “standing up” we’d be “stepping down” to their level. I always counselled my young (an older) tribal members to retain your dignity, walk through the noise and bullshit, hold your head high – AND – if it got physical; be the first, be the fiercest, and be the baddest.

I very seldom condone starting a fight but I have always been known as one who would not just walk away, or limp away. I stand up for me and mine and protect what I have very viciously. I have raised my tribe understanding that sometimes you dont get to just walk away.

The sticks I make for my elder friends, family and tribal members are always and all ways designed as weapons. I consider weapons a positive.

I have walked through life armed for a long, long time. Ive been shot at, stabbed, beaten with blunt objects, won some, lost many, and have survived. And, importantly, learned from my experiences….

My decade of “civil-wars” in the Solomons were tense. What do you do when the other guy(s) have guns… answer is simple, you do what they want. I learned to create dialogue and to hold my hand out, aiming to shake a hand, and hold onto it. Its hard to shoot your gun if I hold onto one of your hands.

Anymore it’s my steel toed work boots. As long as I am shod, I am armed and dangerous. As I age the heavy boots are getting more cumbersome, but I cant stop being armed. I carry a nice ball-bat style flash-light in my truck. Handy, light, close n readily available. A nifty little bone cracker. When I am on a bike I have the option of using my helmet as a weapon. I have been in a bit of trouble on the roads in the USA. Alone, on the highways of Norther-Cali, obviously looking vulnerable… I had a knife that day.

The knife I used would be illegal here in Aus.

I dont really see the sense in carrying a gun. Too easy to be un-done for the wrong reasons but, my point is this… if you cant defend yourself you’re probably going to lose something… And, very simply, if you cant defend yourself or what you possess, be prepared to negotiate your way out. Capitulate, or Lose.

In my mind, from what I see, hear, understand, read, and know through the study of History… Israel has every right to defend itself.


I am consistently surprised by the “collective” lack of History in these (and most all) matters… recent history has seen numerous situations of war, strife, instability, death, mayhem, destruction, displacement and more…

The old Yugoslavian State fell into a decade of self-destruction. Lebanon used to be known as the Alps of the Middle East, was cosmopolitan and coool. Afghanistan had a reputation of being an amazing place to visit. The pyramids, the wonders of Mecca, Katmandu, Khartoum, Istanbul, even Tehran, in its day…

As a young “would-be” bodhisattva these were the places I dreamed of visiting. A backpack, a couple thick books, a stout stick and, in those youthful days, the world was your class room. A lot to learn, to see, to experience.

But the world has changed. People have changed. I fear the general population has become timid, meek, mild, afraid of their own shadows.

So we have Iran attacking Israel; in a loud voice, with fanfare and drumming… I note an Iranian press release through the United Nations… Cant find the quote but it was basically saying to the US to stay out of the way… Or Else…

So… I preach the word of WOOD… WOOD not WAR…

These two sticks are my first attempts to embellish with antler… left we have “Barb”, right we have “Tri-Glide”… Im very pleased with both of these sticks.


On a lighter note… Through covid my collection of motorcycles and cars sat dormant. I am slowly bringing things back to life. Here is the amazing and bizarre Test 3D…

All registered and road ready for Mendoza to enjoy… a Tru-Exotic Motorcycle. (He says its real, real fast)… My old legs dont like the “fit” anymore.

Vroom to all and everyone…

Wood Not War…

More later

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