Posted by: nativeiowan | December 23, 2023

2023 v12.Cmas Day

The day before Christmas and all through the house, everyone was sniffling, and coughing, sick with the flu…

So it’s 834am and Im preparing for all n everything and everyone at once… when they get here.

The flu-bug has grabbed everyone. Varying degrees and varying levels of flu-eyness. Someone said “maybe its Covid”… my response was “isn’t Covid the flu?”.

It’s funny that a single word “covid” can supposedly mean sooo much. From lock downs and threats of a lonely death and countries and states closed, cities darkened, people living locked-in, afraid, fearful, longing to see family and friend that were similarly locked down… To… yea, covid is just the flu.

I always called covid the Kung-Flu. I got in trouble a couple times for spreading false info. But, now, after a couple years, we learn that I was right. Though they “THEY” will never fess-up, it did come out of the Wuhan lab where the studies therein were funded by the US… and get this… because the research on “gain of function” was too dangerous to carry out in the US.

Thanks a bunch Obama, Fauci and Co.

Looking forward, into a bright, new, glittering future… well, in the US…

We get 6million+ new emigrants in 2023, a State called CA that legalises criminal behaviour and taxes law abiding citizens into leaving, and a NY City Mayor that blames the border crisis on the TX Governor.

Here in Aus… we get a jet setting PM that spends .001% of GDP on travel, two – count them- TWO State Premiers resign because they have doing “such a great job”, and the globe’s primary store of land locked energy being traded away so we can “go green”… noting energy prices have doubled in recent years. And I just bought a new, bigger genset for then next power-outage…

In the Solos… Our dear, great, all seeing leader (he is turning Chinese) has postponed the last election so he could host the Pacific Mini Olympics, has (with the help of friends) made use of millions of dollars for personal enrichment, while (I hear) many, many of the service providers to the Games will not get paid what they are owed. Word is the budget is shot. No moa saleni. Sore hola, boko!

So, with all the good news out of the way allow me to discuss the darker, sadder side of things…

The indigenous people of the “Middle East”, The Palestinians, have been attacked and killed in the thousands, by their loathsome and terrible neighbours, The Zionists.

The poor Palestinians have been quietly leading their lives as nomads and shepherds and loving family members since the dawn of time. Never causing a problem, always humble and respectful. Their dearly departed prophet and 20th century leader, Yasser Arafat (much loved and adored by all), established the path of enlightened resistance and peaceful struggle. In his footsteps they walk…

His efforts have been trampled upon by the vile Zionists… Zionists who rape, plunder, murder, enslave and worse…

Oh, what’s that… OK, you sure… Hmmm… Ive got it wrong? Other way around…

How can that be? I heard it all on CNN!

Closer to home… Premier Xi supposedly told Saintly Uncle Joe that he was indeed going to “unify” China. What that means is he grabs Taiwan by force. Just what we need! Another expansionist war.

We have kinda forgotten about Ukraine. Not much in the bluez anymore. The atrocities of the Zionist Colonials and Trump on trial is better cover than Russia v Ukraine.

Yes, shall we note that that despicable undemocratic, would be tyrant DJTrump is getting his just-desserts… after being terrible and red for too long, he shall go down. The system shall mobilise all its resources so he, the evil red guy, cannot ever again threaten our US democracy.

Even at the risk of bringing the US democracy down, even by forgetting the rules and ethics of it all, the status quo of evil red guy must die is worth what ever to costs.

Oh, again, CNN is wrong? No, cant be… What, the US legal system, as driven by saintly Uncle Joe, is being used like a secret police force? Targeting individuals and groups for being too smart, too wise, too democratic… hmmm, damn! I hate being wrong!

So I’ll ignore the facts and merrily move on.

Red guy bad, Saintly Uncle Joe and Fauci good.

So where are we, really?

Normally I can be found, this time of year on a mower…

And life is good

more later

big smiles


  1. Fact Check: No untruths detected.

    Hugs all round, best love to Zai,


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