Posted by: nativeiowan | April 29, 2022

2022 v4.endofApril

Damn, another month shot. Where does the time go? It sure do fly.

Winter heading our way. The mornings are not sunny and bright at 5am. I try to stay in bed until some sunshine hits our valley. in the rain tis easy to stay in bed far too long.

As an offical old fart I don’t really, really have a whole hell of a lot to do every/ any day. I am good at pacing myself. I learned ages ago that a retired old fart has to be careful. If you crank too hard, weak too much, get your work done, you will end up with a few days where there is nothing to do. Thus I target a good sized task every day. Just one. Not two. I get something done every day. Well, er, not everyday…

Last week was a slow, slow week. It rained a lot. I stayed inside. Wrapped up in a granny-blanket watching the bluez and writing. Noting well that everyday I have chores… I feed the dogs every day, I cook for the dogs every couple days, I make my bed everyday, I brush my teeth… these are not counted as “To-Dos”, they are daily chores and don’t get on the list.

Today I have to go down to the coast, pick up a pallet of conduit to run power to the shed. In order to do this I had to get the trailer hooked up to the truck. I collected a few hundred kilos of wire and fittings. Did not take the trailer in with me. Wanted to see what I was collecting, how I would do it. Grabbed a small pallet of copper wire they had ready for me. Used the tractor and forks to unload here.

The conduit is 4meters long, bundled into tidy liftable bundle. My trailer is 3mlong, so there will be a it of overhang. It’ll work.

As soon as the rains abate and the ground dries a bit we will be able to trench for the power to the shed. 150m distance from power to shed. Not a small job.

We are 3 weeks out from the Federal Election. Its rather entertaining, watching the scramble for power.

It has long been my opinion that politicians are all pretty much the same. Will say about anything to get in office. Once in will do about anything to stay in office.

Of course, in the USA, it is campaign time all the time. Watched Trump’s interview with PMorgan. Kinda sad, me thinks, that TheDonald is still the only real candidate the Republicans have. And that UncleJoe is still the only candidate the DNC has.

Where are all the leaders?

And the beat goes on.

More later

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