Posted by: nativeiowan | August 26, 2020

2020 v8.I do not fear there dark

I have never been afraid of the dark. I teach my children and grandchildren that there is nothing in the dark to be fearful of. I was taught by a wolf I shared space with in the 1970s how to see in the dark. I pass the lesson onto my kids and grannies.

I do not live in a racist world.

I am not a racist.

I know racism is alive and well. I have met racism face to face many times. It is very ugly.

But I sit and watch as the modern US0fA is constructing a racist environment, a racist dialogue, a racist mindset. Either you are a victim or a perpetrator. Everyone is a racist. Everyone is buying into the concept of a racist world.

Im trying to figure it out. Why the need to stand up and apologise for being white… “My name is Mikes and I’m a racist”. “I apologise publicly for my sins as a racist and for the sins of my fathers”.

Utter fucking bullshit!

And everyone is trying to out apologise for presumed and supposed transgressions. We post foolish memes that say nothing but gain the applause of the apologist and victim filled vanguard.

I do not live in a racist world. We know racism exists. We have seen racism face to face. But the ugliness of racism is something I cannot accept.

I cannot accept the racists badgering me into accepting their interpretation of my world. Sure, go ahead, go right ahead and accept racism in your world. Teach your children to be racists, apologists, victims, lackys to the negative status quo. Be my guest, go right ahead.

I refuse.

More later

Big smiles

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