Posted by: nativeiowan | March 26, 2019

2019 v3.political mania rulz

It’s late Monday in the USofA newzcycle.

As I sit an absorb the various newz/ opinions on-air, I can only think, feel that the “behind-the-scenes” operators, the puppet masters of the sociopolitical tragic-comedy that is the USofA, can only be shivering in their boots, looking over their shoulders, seeking some dark hole to crawl into.

I feel that Trump has beyond a doubt proven himself as a disruptor of the system, as an enemy of the deep dark DC swamp. I can’t really like or support Trump but I sure as shit am thankful he has stood up to the deepdarkdodgeypolicalswamp. I am hapi the status quo has been so powerfully challenged.

And now the main stream swamp monsters are melting down.

I recall a little reported event that saw Hillary basically admit her nefarious history… here’s the link:

What Hillary basically said was …  Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 12.04.36 pm.png

Referring to Donald Trump, Clinton said:
“If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!”

And she was right. And the time may well be at hand.

Sadly, very sadly indeed; a huge cross-section of intelligent and well-meaning people some how, someway got drawn into the farce. Like The King With no Clothes, many decided to take the “party line”, so sing in tune, to moo like  bovine being led to slaughter.

Many have spent two years agreeing how terrible and nasty and criminal and despicable Trump and Trump supporters are. Many have been reveling in the legal actions and the investigations and the fake news reports … Proof Of Collusion… Treasonous Activity… Foreign Agents…

Where are we now?

For me I say its time for the shoe to go on the other foot. I feel quite secure in believing that the Democratic Party, as led by Barak Obama, weaponised the institutions of the USG to support the liberal-left agenda and to harass and distract any and all opposition.

Now, if anyone who reads this thinks I am wrong or exaggerating I suggest you do some reading. Honestly research the use of the IRS to investigate Conservative organizations, the use of the DOJ and FBI and DNC to corrupt and bend the rules tip the scales… from exonerating Hillary to shafting Bernie to piling dirt on Trump.

If your head is so far in a hole… I can’t help you.

And the beat goez on.

Interesting times to be alive, me thinks…

More later

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