Posted by: nativeiowan | October 12, 2018

2018 v10.PasadenTime

Where are we?

That’s what I thought when waking this morn.

It didn’t take me long to answer my own question… “Pasadena” is the answer.

Traveled some 20+ hours from Aus to LA on “Wednesday”. Due to the time-travel involved I departed Brisbane at 11am Wednesday and Landed in LA at 7am Wednesday.

Two Wednesdays.

Better than two Mondays!

I spent yesterday doing what my family calls “fix’n”.

When you be fix’n you are preparing/ getting ready. Not like fixing dinner or fixing the leaking tap. Nope. Its more like fix’n to fix dinner or the leaking tap. It is preparing to be prepared for something.

So yesterday I started preparing to move out of the Pasadena-pad. In the course of fix’n I went to the bank. Had a burger at BJ’s. Had a chat with the gal who runs the building. Took two naps, a short one at about 11am and another after the burger. I started emptying closets and bathrooms and kitchen. It was a good day’s worth of fix’n. I was up and fix’n until about midnight.

So, when I woke at 9am I had a flash of “we’da’fuck’amI”.

Today I posted my “for sale” notices in the elevators. Went to the bank. Had a coffee at Urth. bought some stuff at Target then came home and started cleaning and sorting. The apartment is a confusion of organization… 2018-10-11 20.46.36.jpg

I will try to sell everything within a few days.

I tried my darndest to give the stuff away. To donate it to a worthy organisation. Didnt work. The do-gooder orgs are a bit difficult to get in tough with and they simply are not geared up for someone who says “hey, I got an apartment of furniture. Do you want it?”.

This is what I put in the elevators in the building…

Moving overseas … Must sell some good furniture this weekend
Available immediately: All items less than 3 years old…
Nice, large, leather sofa – great to sleep on
asking price $250.00
Very comfortable recliner/ rocker – fabric covering
asking price 150.00
Wood table with four high-back wood chairs
asking price $200.00
Four bar stools with high backs and leather seats
asking price 100.00
Two glass top wooden side tables
asking price $50.00
Wood frame queen sized bed with box spring and mattress
asking price 150.00
Two “Bali type” outdoor box seats
asking price $50.00
Round cane seat
asking price $50.00
Small TV with digital aerial and DVD player
asking price $50.00
Very comfortable inflatable “guest bed”
asking price $50.00
All items available as of this weekend
If interested, please send me a message:
626 298 0689

Sold the inflatable bed. Hoping for more interest soon. Got 6 more days. Plenty of time.

And the beat goes on…



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