Posted by: nativeiowan | June 9, 2024

2024 v6. Into June

Sunday the 9th of June here in Aus. Blood sports on, grand-girlies visiting. Dogs and puppies and sunshine and grandkids… what’s not to like?

A couple matters under rumination today.

Found this article:, and I went off on a couple tangents…

This article, some may think, is about the upcoming US Presidential election, and Donald Trump. By posting anything about/ with Trump in it, I get hassled with claims that I am a Trump supporter.

This article is about the power supply/ availability/ cost in the USA – and world wide… The point for me is simple… We need power, readily available, abundant, cost effective power to do anything in our modern world. But the FACT that energy/ electricity/ power is scarcer, in greater demand, more costly NOW than in the past 100+ years… Just when we should have a handle on power creation and distribution… we end up in 3rd world style power crisis situation – world wide. 

Traditionally – as production increases to meet demand, as demand increases, costs across the board should drop. More volume means a huge advantage to end outputs. Aus holds huge reserves of low surfer/ low emissions coal. Huge reserves in gas and uranium. But we sell it all, ban the use locally and watch as power prices drive industry off shore. 

Not an uncommon story. The gist of this article is that China may be the only place with enough “capacity” to “fuel” the next stage of tech development. 

Abundant, cost effective, and continuous “power” moves mankind forward. Anything less = reverse of circumstances/ life style.

Or such are my thoughts on this Sunday of sunshine, chilled breezes and blood sports…



Some puppy porn:

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