Posted by: nativeiowan | May 25, 2024

2024 v5. more words about wienies

More with my buddy DB:

Yep, and yep…

We are being manipulated. The prestidigitators are doing a great job.

I doubt very much that Biden knows what day it is, let alone what he is saying (or eating), and, no it’s not about age. It’s about ability. He appears to be inept. 

And we know well that any elected “leader” is not really leading. They are the front-man doing the bidding of those who got him elected. All great “leaders” have great machines behind them. 

I believe the Democratic Party fucked up badly by doing dumb deals post-Obama era… The Party decided who should be elected. The thought they knew better… The Clintons at that time owned the DNC, were calling the shots and… They fucked Bernie, who took it in exchange for a seat at the “monied-table”. I also believe that the Trump phenomenon was part and parcel a scheme to get Hillary elected and so to continue the shady days of Obama and unfettered control and lies and farce and deceit to a high level. Put in a clown and madam assassin will win handily. 

They fucked up badly. The then Republican machine fucked up too by playing too many games… gotta sign a pledge to vote for the candidate that won the primary… Then RNC head, Reince Priebus, did not like Trump, tried to play hard and got outclassed.  Later became his puppy.

I am still perplexed how Trump won the nomination (and the election) but I fear it is not the “cheating” as many believe (noting all sides cheat when ever they can) but rather Trump touched enough minds to pull it off. Not a resounding victory, agreed, but he got elected against all odds. Maybe by being the “heal”, the bad guy. The guy everyone loved to hate, but talked about all the time. 

And he very much pissed everyone off. On both sides. And got unlimited free publicity. 

And he is still around. Trump is news. Trump is entertainment. 

Question for you… Did Harvey Weinstein get a fair trail? Of course not. And such the appeals court has had their say on the matter. Is Weinstein a despicable terrible person? YES! Does he deserve a fair trial? Yes!

Same with Trump. The powers that be are tossing a lot of resources at him. He is no doubt a despicable, terrible person (in my books) but he deserves a fair shake.

And I do not think he is getting one. 

Do you? Or, like so many folks I know, do you think it’s OK to use crooked means to “fix” him, because he is crooked? 

Bad logic in my books.

While some folks see it for what it is, dirty pool. 

Funny you mention Grassley… I kinda knew him… I was around when he fist campaigned for Congress in 1975… he was a very good candidate, said the right things, appeared to be human. Then disappeared into Washington for the next 50 years. Ended up with a seat at the almost Elite’s table. 

He was one of “those times” where I learned something by being wrong. I thought Chuck was decent guy. A good rep for Iowa… that was a long time ago.

Politics… It’s 90% smoke and mirrors, and 100% deceit and criminality. 

Or such is my view on the topic. 


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