Posted by: nativeiowan | May 24, 2024

2024 v5. A world of Wienies at War with themselves

Am I wrong in thinking that these modern day “protests” lack substance and meaning. I fear that the majority of those screaming and crying are wienies.. wanna-be hot dogs that cant…

So, I get another comm from my old buddy, DB. He sent me a link to this…

no, you delusional dipshits, Joe Biden didn’t order the FBI to ”take out” Donald Trump

another reminder that Republicans have completely broken with reality


Read the article if you wish. I found it to be a waste of my time…

So, my response to DB…

Yes, the dumb shit back and forth game… its called politics…

My way of looking at things demands I a) look for something positive where I can, and b) dont call names and be petty when I discuss others… Its called being a Centrist… I look for good. I look for facts. I weight my findings and make my own conclusions. This type of “rag” reporting was better when Hunter S was in the game. 

And, as I look (from the outside in) to the US stage I see little to be positive about and my childish nature wants to call pretty much everyone a dumbshit, a shit eating mega (not maga) dumbshit…

I have been ruminating on this of late. When I mow I get to think a lot. For a few months we’ve been rained on too hard (call it glow ball warming) to get any mowing done so I have not been able to access my therapy called mowing. But this past week I have managed to do maybe 5hours of mowing (still about 10 hours behind catching up- and its raining today) and have some good threads of thought going…

The US is a Two Party system. Sure, there are greens and independents and others, but none will ever really be able to create a viable challenge to the system that “IS”. 

The SYSTEM is owned, controlled, manipulated by ELITES. 

The ELITES are controlled and manipulated by faceless folks that pull the strings, make things happen, reap the rewards therein.

Of course the Industrial Military underground is a huge player, puppeteer, king maker and breaker. 

Who are these Elite? I claim that if we know a name, say Barak Obama, we miss the point in that BO is just a puppet that has climbed high. He has a puppet Master, make no doubt about it. 

The Clintons are wanna bes. The Bushes are old family “kling-ons”. The British Royalty are way up there, as are the Rothschilds and other European aristos. But the Elite are the Wizards behind the curtain we never see through.

And, my point herein, All the petty politicians, right, left, red, blue or orange, all work for the same folks.

There aint a puppet master for the right, and one for the left. There is one, playing the prestidigitation game of “Look Over Here”…

And, pointedly to your meme…

Biden is a cadaver. He cant maintain for very long or very well without what we used to call “mother’s little helper”… ie: Drugs.

So of course not. Biden did not order the FBI to do anything. He is not in control at all. He is the saddest puppet of them all.

Noting well, there can be no doubt at all the Administration of the day (going back maybe 10 years) has certainly researched how they could take the Scary Orange dude Out. They just have not found a way, yet.

And the beat goes on.

More later

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